Does Inflation Lead To Civilizational Collapse? A Look At Rome | ZeroHedge

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1. The exploitation of the silver to gold ratio depleted Roman silver supplies as the creditor oligarchy exported coinage to India & the east. There the ratio was as low as 4:1 & 12:1 in Rome.

2. European gold & silver supplies were exhausted around 26BC. There was little plunder left available.

3. The role of debt was a monumental factor in Rome’s rise & fall. An aggressive & brutal creditor oligarchy had sought land monopolization as they seized land as collateral for unpaid debts. Their actions have led many to conclude that life within the empire was like “hell on earth.”

4. The church & the state also hastened Rome’s decline as they sought tribute & taxes.The sheer brutality of the regime can be well summed up by Emperor Severus telling his generals to “enrich the men, scorn all others.”

Source: Does Inflation Lead To Civilizational Collapse? A Look At Rome | ZeroHedge

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